About Me

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I just an ordinary person who are talkative and easy going . I believe something happen for a 1000 reasons . The pain teach me to be a strong Allah creation . I don't mind people hatin me because I live not to impress anybody but to seek my place in Jannah .

Friday, November 18, 2011

you just go without a word .

salam .
hari ni aq sangat sedih . sebab kawan yang aq kenal lebih dari 10 tahun buat keputusan untuk lost contact dengan kiteorang .

tadi aq bukak twitter . and aq nak bace laa messages kalo kawan aq ni ada hantar messages dekat aq . sebab semalam dia ada mengadu something kat aq . tibe2 tadi da bukak messages , inbox aq kosong ! hilang sume messages dengan dia . aq ingat kan twitter aq kene hacked . tapi kalo ada orang hacked twitter aq mesti aq tak bole bukak twitter acc aq . then aq tengok dekat follower and following aq pon dia takde jugak . aq da rase tak sedap hati . then aq bukak laa profile dia , tibetibe ayat ni yang keluar dekat page tu 'THIS USER DOESN'T EXISTS' . nak terjatuh jantung aq . kenape ko closed acc twitter ko ?! sampai hati ko buat macam ni dekat kiteorang .

patot laa semalam ko cakap ko akan hilangkan diri perlahan lahan . rupe nye ni yang ko nak buat dekat kiteorang . asal laa aq bodoh sangat ?! kenape laa aq tak fikir pape langsung bile ko cakap macam tu . i thought we are friends . we have been friends since we are 6years old . now, u make our friendship meaningless . hmm , take care .

they also know how to love each other .

p/s : i will miss all the moments we share together .

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